VCAP Capital Ltd

Guidance on regulatory and AIFM solutions for firms and family offices involved in or looking for corporate & venture capital finance, private equity & fund management rails.

Like any professional service provider, we specialise in what we know. We recognise we can not be all things to all people, which is why we focus on offering guidance on regulatory solutions, compliance and operational platform services and advice to financial services firms, family offices, fintech start-ups, fund managers, private equity, venture capital funds and corporate finance advisors globally.

We provide the “rails” to help businesses start on their journey and stay on track.

“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress.“

Henry Ford

Key offerings:

  • Fin & Reg Tech - our business has a track record in helping to deliver technology solutions for turn-key technology and solutions for businesses looking to fill the gaps. From front office website construction, onboarding, treasury and collateral management, back-office systems, compliance and risk reporting and management information our team has a host of solutions for you to implement.
  • ISA Manager - we are an HMRC approved ISA Manager.
  • VCAP Talent - let our talented team and close associates provide non-executive director governance services, turn round/remediation/locum compliance and operational support.
  • Cap Intro - we are always interested to hear about great ideas from talented people. The VCAP principals are seasoned investors in start ups and businesses looking for additional venture capital. We, or someone in our network will be interested to hear about your vision.

Our Corporate Partners

We believe in long-term value. Which is why we partner with like-minded service providers to help us deliver the value-added solutions that you need.